Mexico: Pope Promotes Illegal Immigration on Border

Pope Francis has toured Mexico over the last few days, preaching about this and that, with the grand finale planned from the start to be a poke in the eye of American law and sovereignty, and indeed it was. The Pope stood in Juarez — the city where hundreds of women have been murdered — which he briefly mentioned, but the Very Important Victims according to Francis are the illegal aliens “expelled by poverty and violence, by drug trafficking and criminal organizations.”

Funny how the professional do-gooders regard America as the world’s flophouse and full-service social service agency. Meanwhile, the influx of millions of low-skilled oppression-accepting foreigners harms our own poor people the most. But the pope doesn’t care about American poor; job #1 for him is virtue display with a thick religion overlay.

Anyway, America is a traditionally Protestant nation (being diminished, as a result of immigration) and the Pope is all about boosting the welfare of his people–the Catholics–by encouraging them to move north. And he wouldn’t mind if the US becomes more catholic as a result.

Cassock elites believe national law and sovereignty take a back seat to church tenets. Those supremacist beans were spilled by border priest Michael Seifert when he observed, “Any family in economic need has a right to immigrate, that’s our posture, if a family is hungry and the family needs work, then society should provide a way for people to do that.”

Meanwhile, polling shows that Catholic parishioners agree with the rest of Americans that the government should be doing more to bring illegal immigration under control.

On Thursday, the big front-page photo on several major newspapers, including the New York Times (shown above), Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, was of the pope endorsing open borders to benefit poor people to the south. Those emotional images will stick with illiterate Third Worlders, giving them permission to illegally enter America and steal citizens’ jobs.

Interestingly, the pope denounced corruption in Mexico during his trip, yet he wants America to admit millions of criminals to our country. Since the DoJ reported several years ago that Mexican drug gangs operate in more than 200 US cities, we appear to have plenty of Mexican crime diversity already.

As it happens, Mexico is rich, consistently ranking around #15 in world GDP, and could well afford to take better care of its citizens. But it pretends to be poor, because the position offers advantages for begging in Washington.

CNN gushed with foreigner love in its coverage:

CNN HOST WOLF BLITZER: He’s now being taken to the border fence and is getting ready to offer a very, very special blessing. This is a moment that will have great significance along the US/Mexico border for Pope Francis as he walked over there. You see the cross. I want to bring in Father Edward Beck, our CNN religious commentator, the host of the Sunday mass. Explain the significance, Father Beck, of this moment in the pope’s trip to Mexico.

PRIEST EDWARD BECK: Well, it kind of is the hallmark of his whole papacy thus far, Wolf: immigration, welcoming the stranger, the refugee. Here on this border of the Rio Grande, where so many lives have been lost, Mexican lives, of those fleeing to the United States, this pope is offering a blessing for those on both sides of that border. And it is symbolic because he is standing there in prayer right now saying, we have to do better. It’s not about chastising and punishing people for fleeing to something more prosperous, something more safe. So he is saying that by being here right now and offering this blessing that we are all strangers. Remember when he came and spoke before Congress he said, I am the son of immigrants. We were all once foreigners in a strange land, and this pope thinks that we need to welcome those who flee political and social oppression.

That’s a strange kind of religion, where Third-World poor stealing jobs from First-World poor is considered virtuous. Maybe it’s the Marxist liberation theology seeping through.

CBS reported recently that US black unemployment was nearly twice that of whites in the final quarter of 2015, and more than 90 million working-age citizens are not participating in the workforce. So it’s not like there are spare jobs laying around for illegal alien pests. The jobless recovery continues, even if pundits have stopped talking about it.

If Mexicans et al put half the energy they invest in illegal immigration into political reform at home, a lot might be accomplished. But it’s easier for them to play the victim and sniff out American jobs and welfare offices.

CNN also promoted the globalist Catholic view that the US should be a world rescuer of those facing “forced migration” and forget about the mean-spirited national sovereignty stuff intended to protect the American people.

At Mexican-U.S. border, Pope delivers a stinging critique of both countries, By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor, CNN, February 18, 2016

For much of his five-day trip in Mexico, Pope Francis played the role of friendly pastor, smiling for selfies, kissing babies and encouraging the youth not to fall prey to the drug trade.

On Wednesday, Francis unleashed another aspect of his complex public persona: The disappointed prophet who excoriates world powers for mistreating the poor and marginalized.

Celebrating Mass in Ciudad Juarez, a city just across the border from the United States, Francis delivered a stinging critique of leaders on both sides of the fence, calling the “forced migration” of thousands of Central Americans a “human tragedy” and “humanitarian crisis.”

“Being faced with so many legal vacuums,” the Pope said during his homily before a congregation of more than 200,000 people, “they get caught up in a web that ensnares and always destroys the poorest.”

“Injustice is radicalized in the young,” the Pope continued. “They are ‘cannon fodder,’ persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the spiral of violence and the hell of drugs.”

The Bible readings at the Mass, which are tied to the church calendar, told the story of Jonah, another angry prophet. It was the kind of coincidence that a man of Francis’ faith might consider the work of a watchful God. The Bible passages set up the Pope to blister injustices in Mexico and indifference in the United States, casting both countries as modern-day Ninevehs.

‘No more death! No more exploitation!’

“Go and tell them that injustice has infected their way of seeing the world,” the Pope said, describing Jonah’s mission to rouse the city of Nineveh from the morass of moral decay. “Go and help them to understand that by the way they treat each other, ordering and organizing themselves, they are only creating death and destruction, suffering and oppression.”

In case the message was lost on his audience, the Pope drove the point home:

“Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation!”

Before the Mass, Francis prayed and blessed a makeshift memorial to migrants who have tried to cross into the United States. He then blessed a group of about 400 people across the river in El Paso. Included among these “Francis VIPs” were families seeking asylum in the United States, according to El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz.

It was a grand geopolitical gesture from the Pope’s political playbook, mirroring his prayer at the wall separating Palestinian territories and Israel in 2014. It also thrust Francis into the polarized debates over immigration in both the United States and Mexico.

Vatican responds to Trump’s charge

Even before the Pope arrived in Mexico, GOP front-runner Donald Trump called Francis a “very political person” and suggested he was a tool of the Mexican government.

The Vatican scoffed at the latter charge but pleaded guilty to the former.

“The Pope, with his moral and spiritual ministry, may have a political impact. That is clear to the whole world by now, ” Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Tuesday night when asked about Trump’s accusations.

Look at Francis’ role in encouraging renewed relations between the United States and Cuba, for example, the spokesman said, adding that the Pope has also encouraged Europeans to care for the refugees at their borders.

Trump, arguing that immigrants are bringing drugs and crime across the southern U.S. border, has pledged to build a big wall to keep them out.

Bishop Daniel Flores, who has been traveling with Francis during his five-day trip in Mexico, said the central themes of the Pope’s sermon and papacy are the same: a call to conversion. “No one is exempt from this; it is addressed to everyone: government leaders, politicians, bishops, clergy, young people, families, prisoners, business leaders.”

It is unclear, though, whether American Catholics or politicians will heed the Pope’s call. GOP candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, who are Catholic, have openly disagreed with Francis on the environment and may be anxious to align themselves with his stance on immigration, too.

Meanwhile, half of Catholics in the United States say they agree with Francis on that issue, according to a survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute. But a majority of conservative Catholics (54%) say that Trump, whose signature issue is buttressing the border between the United States and Mexico, would make a “good or great” president, a Pew poll found.

Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, was one of thousands of Catholics who gathered in El Paso to watch the Pope bless the memorial and celebrate Mass in Juarez.

“I hope that every single politician takes note of this trip and thinks of it before they take action,” Pimentel said. “I hope they consider the dignity of all people.”

An exuberant welcome

While the Pope’s Mass on the border was the political highpoint of his trip to Mexico, for the most part, Francis’ speeches were notably apolitical. He condemned corruption and drug cartels, but the deeply unpopular Mexican government escaped with hardly a scratch.

As he did in the United States and elsewhere, the Pope encouraged his huge audiences to adopt more merciful approaches to the poor, elderly and the young, but offered no policy prescriptions.

Still, his agenda spoke volumes. He went to the heart of the cartel’s dark territory in Morelia, Michoacan, and told the young crowd that Jesus wants them to be disciples, not “hitmen.” And in Chiapas, in the country’s far south, where many people have indigenous heritage, he said the world needs their culture and asked for forgiveness for those who had contaminated their lands.

There, and nearly everywhere Francis went, the crowds’ response approached rapturous. It was “an overwhelming outpouring of spontaneous affection,” said Flores.

Many Mexicans cried in his presence; others cheered like a soccer crowd, “Viva el Papa!” and “You can see it, you can feel it, the Pope is here!” At times the crowd was too exuberant, as when Francis was pulled down on top of a boy in a wheelchair.

At the end of the Mass in Juarez on Wednesday, the Pope thanked Mexicans for opening their doors and their lives to him.

“At times I felt like weeping to see so much hope in a people who are suffering so much,” Francis said.